Thursday, September 20, 2018

9/22/18 Saturday UNK Parade & BMF Field Competition

On Saturday morning, we need the about 6 guys to help at the Merryman at 9:00 am to unload the instruments from the trailer (this is similar to what happens at Fine Arts for a game).  Then I will move the trailer to the Bus Barn area and we will reload the instruments there after the parade (11:50am?).

I will move the trailer to the High School on the South side in the Pit Crew parking area, and we will unload the trailer by 2:00 pm.  The students will do a warmup and then at 2:45 pm we will start assembling the Pit in correct order outside the fence.  At 3:00 pm we will be On-Deck on the track and the Band performs at 3:15 pm.  After their performance, we will move everything to the Band Room instead of reloading the trailer.  If you can help with getting equipment to the Band room and with cleanup, that would be appreciated.

If you are helping with the BMF event, you need to stay at your position with the volunteers for the BMF event until we assemble at 2:45 pm.  At 2:45 pm please join our KHS Pit Crew for moving our gear for the KHS Band performance.  Those not helping with BMF will need to help us with unloading and loading the trailer for the parade and unloading the trailer for the BMF field show.

Thank you for your help.  We appreciate everyone who is helping.  Everyone is needed for this event to happen successfully.

Remember to wear BLUE.

Thank you for helping and supporting the KHS Band.

Click here for details on Band and Pit Crew traffic flow at the Bearcat Marching Festival.

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